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Arctic Conference on New Arctic Seaways in the Danish Parliament

CSCD introduced an exciting upcoming year with an Arctic Conference on New Arctic Seaways, held in the Danish Parliament on January 10th, 2020.

All speakers – Photo Hasse Ferrold

The morning started peacefully with guests arriving early for a cup of coffee and joyful conversations. It was great to see so many enjoying the chance for connecting during the extended registration breakfast.

The conference opened with a keynote speech from MP Mr. Martin Lidegaard and proceeded to very insightful speeches on the Artic from H.E. Mr. Vladimir Barbin, Ambassador from Russia to Denmark, and H.E. Mr. Thomas Winkler, the Danish Arctic Ambassador.

The political introduction and overview were followed by perspectives from TOTAL’s CEO, Nordic & Baltic region, Mr. Tommy Ayouty and THALES’ Vice-President Country Delegate for Russia Mr. Francois Borgida on surveillance and business in the region.

The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI), represented by consultant Mr. Mads Qvist Frederiksen, and Danish Shipping, represented by Senior Adviser Mr. Morten Glamsø, gave their view on sustainability and how to keep realism in the ongoing Arctic adventures, and we learned about the challenges and surprisingly good living and working conditions for people in general, and workers in particular, in the Arctic region from Mr. Geir Seljeseth from Industry Energy Norway, the Norwegian Labour Organisation for the Arctic and Energy Sector, before we got a research perspective from Prof. Rasmus G Berthelsen and Ph.D. Ms. Mariia Kobzeva, both from UiT, Arctic University of Norway. The conference concluded with a Q&A session and networking lunch.

Lively conversation during the break – Photo Hasse Ferrold

We thank all speakers and participants for the kind participation and deeply valued support. We work for you and with you – and we could not do this without you. Thank you.

We are currently planning events for 2020 in collaboration with Ambassadors in Copenhagen, and there are many exciting topics on the agenda. Upcoming dates will be announced shortly. In the meantime, you can stay updated and see future event topics here:

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